Enabling the changes at pace – Are Tax rises the only way?

To enable changes at pace, it is crucial to explore various funding sources beyond just tax increases. Here are some key points to consider:

Economic Growth vs. Tax Increases

  • Economic Growth: Both major parties claim they won’t raise individual taxes, implying the need for economic growth to fund initiatives. The goal is to achieve a GDP growth of 2-3% annually.
  • Reality of Tax Increases: Despite these claims, it’s likely that whoever wins will raise taxes to meet financial needs. If we must raise taxes, we should seek to protect the most vulnerable and those struggling to stay afloat.

Modifications to Existing Policies

  • Carers’ Allowance: Modify the Carers’ Allowance to reduce it incrementally based on earnings, addressing the current unfairness.
  • VAT on School Fees: Imposing VAT on school fees might not be appropriate, as it could hinder the nurturing and development of future talent without greater investment in the education sector to compensate.
  • Childhood Poverty: Must be addressed, nationally we have almost 2 million children living in absolute poverty which are being ignored and disadvantaged.

Industry and Tax Relief

  • Oil and Gas Tax Relief: Remove tax relief from oil and gas companies to level the playing field with renewable energy sources.

Simplification of the Tax System

  • Complex Tax Code: Simplify the tax system to save money and reduce red tape. The current UK tax code is excessively long and complex, creating an entire industry around its management.

Additional Funding and Fiscal Policy

  • Invest to Save: Additional funds will be necessary. Modifying fiscal rules to support “invest to save” strategies can be beneficial.
  • NHS Delivery: Consider innovative approaches to NHS service delivery to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.

IT and Local Government

  • Council IT Systems: Standardise IT systems across councils to reduce costs and complexity, and to improve flexibility and efficiency in employee movement between councils. This can address the recruitment crisis and streamline operations.

By exploring these diverse strategies, it is possible to enable the necessary changes at pace without solely relying on tax increases.

Improving our electoral system for greater inclusivity and democracy

Supporting the adoption of Proportional Representation (PR) is a crucial step towards ensuring fair and inclusive governance. While there are numerous debates about the appropriate method of PR, and different circumstances might require different approaches, I welcome this debate. It’s important to remain open to discussing which method of PR might deliver the best outcomes.

As someone who embraces diversity and inclusiveness, I am confident that PR will eventually be adopted. When it does, I will be ready to offer my opinion on how it might be best delivered, ensuring it aligns with the principles of fair representation and inclusiveness.

My primary focus will be on delivering for the residents, ensuring that all groups are represented wherever possible. Here are some key benefits of PR that support this goal:

  • Fair Representation: PR ensures that parties receive a proportion of seats closely matching their proportion of the vote. This allows for more accurate representation of the electorate’s preferences, ensuring that every vote counts and that the diversity of public opinion is reflected in the legislature.
  • Increased Diversity: By allowing smaller parties a better chance at winning seats, PR can lead to more diverse political representation. This system can reflect a broader range of viewpoints and interests, leading to a more inclusive and representative government.
  • Reduced Wasted Votes: In PR systems, votes are less likely to be wasted. Votes for smaller parties are more likely to contribute to electing a candidate, giving voters the confidence that their voices are heard and represented.
  • Coalition Governments: PR often leads to coalition governments. These governments can encourage compromise and consensus-building among multiple parties, leading to more balanced and inclusive policy-making.

Supporting the adoption of PR is not just about changing the electoral system; it’s about fostering a more inclusive, diverse, and representative democracy. When PR is adopted, I will be ready to contribute to the discussion on how best to implement it, ensuring that it delivers the best outcomes for all residents.

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Thank You!

Thank you to those that supported me.

Thank you to those that supported me in spirit but chose to vote tactically.

I congratulate and wish Tom well and that he proves to be dedicated to improving the lives of the people of Harrogate and Knaresborough.

I will continue as an independent councillor, committed to fighting for our fair share and advocating for the needs of my local residents.
