Ultimately, we need to earn our way out of economic challenges, requiring the economy to grow more than 2% annually. The government must enable our businesses to succeed, but self-help is equally vital.

In Harrogate, the conference centre is a critical economic driver. When it isn’t occupied, the town feels empty, affecting all local businesses. Various elements must work together to ensure success:

  • Conference Center
  • Hotels and Restaurants
  • Retail Offerings
  • Congestion Management (see Transport section)
  • Town Centre and Neighbourhood Plan

That’s why I will support the Harrogate Conference Centre by ensuring it has the right business model and funding to continue attracting business. The centre needs upgrades, including more breakout rooms, as the trend shifts towards more conferences than exhibitions. Despite its neglect by successive councils, the centre remains crucial, generating about £40 million annually for the local economy and attracting tourists, with over 80% of attendees returning to visit. The centre has its best order book in over a decade, and I am committed to its continuous improvement to support our local economy.

Other elements are equally important, such as the quality of hotels, restaurants, and bars, and the town’s appearance. I will support initiatives that maintain Harrogate’s appeal.

I also support Knaresborough, which offers unique attractions like Mother Shipton’s Cave and The Petrifying Well, The Castle, Nidd Gorge and the much photographed Knaresborough Viaduct. We have numerous opportunities and excellent businesses in the region that I will support in their development.

Focus on Farming, Food Processing, and Food Security

I am particularly focused on farming, food processing, and food security. The best farmers are environmentalists, and they make the greatest protectors of the environment. I will build support systems for business and farming to reduce the uncertainty and short-termism of central government.

By supporting their efforts, we can mitigate the risks of extreme weather and insulate ourselves from global food price spikes. Farmers need support, especially considering the recent flooding that impacts our food supplies. I will champion farmers and work with them to achieve decarbonisation in British agriculture while maintaining profits and ensuring food security.

I will lobby for long-term incentives (at least 10-20 years) to allow farmers to embrace regenerative agriculture practices, ensuring the health of our arable land and food supply.

Embracing the Decarbonization Revolution

The decarbonization revolution presents the greatest wealth creation opportunity of this century. British businesses should lead this renewed clean industrial revolution, boosting the UK’s global stock market value.

  • We have the leading financial market for investment capital.
  • We have scientific centres of excellence for innovation.
  • We have the entrepreneurial spirit to create global businesses.

I will ensure that low-carbon and carbon reduction business solutions, particularly in energy storage, agriculture, and construction, are incentivised and rewarded. I will support the construction industry in the rapid retrofitting of Britain’s homes and buildings to reduce energy costs. Furthermore, I will promote the circular economy, emphasising zero waste and the reuse, repurposing, or recycling of materials to create raw materials.


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Thank You!

Thank you to those that supported me.

Thank you to those that supported me in spirit but chose to vote tactically.

I congratulate and wish Tom well and that he proves to be dedicated to improving the lives of the people of Harrogate and Knaresborough.

I will continue as an independent councillor, committed to fighting for our fair share and advocating for the needs of my local residents.
