Vote Paul Haslam on the 4thJuly

Standing for

Harrogate and Knaresborough

Paul Haslam

Independent Candidate

Why am I standing?

It’s about trust - not broken promises.

I seek a government that strives for fairness and empowers local communities.

We need a government that delivers, not one that delivers promises.

We need a political revolution!

It’s time to end the London-centric perspective on politics. Time to end the inequality.

We’ve seen the benefits of farm local and shop local – it’s time for politics local. Politics needs to evolve. A level playing field for all.

The two main parties are virtually inseparable – promising nothing but more of the same. Other parties point only to the problems, sowing division and hatred.
There is a better way. An independent way.

Too often we focus on the cost of services, while ignoring their value. Too often we silo services, cutting one budget at the expense of another.

Skimping on mental health costs millions in wasted policing. Underfunding has resulted in dangerous, crumbling school buildings. Prioritising shareholders has left us bathing in filth – quite literally.

We face a similar choice with climate change – yet the main parties are silent. Fossil fuel companies pump millions into party coffers. It’s no coincidence.  The irony is green energy need not cost the Earth. Renewable is literally free.

We need a government that works for the people – people before politics. A government that rewards effort and endeavour, not cronyism or nepotism.

We need to prioritise the social return on investment – equality for all.

Currently, our opposition parties merely promise to be slightly better than the incumbents. This is hardly reassuring.

We deserve better. We deserve independence.

Fix The Disconnect

I struggle to understand the apparent lack of cooperation between local and national governments, local councillors, and MPs. The main parties have pledged no tax rises, meaning we will have to do more with less. Through coordinated collaboration, we can achieve more by breaking out of our silos.

I propose making the MP the central figure for local matters by ensuring regular meetings with the council, attending the Harrogate and Knaresborough Area constituency committee, and full council meetings (not necessarily as a participant). I would convene meetings with all key decision-makers in one room. This is why I support the establishment of a Town Council.

Local First

Being an MP isn’t just about shaping national policy; it’s about understanding the local impact! We must consider what is best for the people of Harrogate and Knaresborough.

I’ll put everything through this local lens and scrutiny before looking to the wider benefits for the nation.

We Need Speed & Urgency

Governments are notoriously slow to act and behind the curve of societal change, but it needs to catch up —we have NHS waiting lists, housing shortages, and the pressing issue of climate change bearing down upon us.

We must move faster if we are to make a difference. For instance, current housing standards are insufficient to reduce the running costs of homes. By building houses correctly, we could cut energy costs by two-thirds. Every new house built to inadequate standards today creates another future retrofit problem for tomorrow – an unnecessary debt for future generations.

Less Tribal

Politics has become too tribal. There is no exclusivity on good ideas.

Prime Minister’s Question Time sets a poor example. We teach our children not to bully or harass, yet they witness this unproductive display on TV every week.

Effective government comes from having strong, credible, and constructive opposition.  As an independent I can cross these boundaries unencumbered by party shackles.

To quote Albert Einstein,

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Bringing about change – it’s about thinking differently.

Mind The Gap

Time to Level Up – people and country

It’s not fair! Central government continues to distribute funds inequitably to local councils. Despite a review of fairer funding that began in 2018, the disparity persists.  

Our region receives about a third less per person compared to metropolitan areas, yet our council tax is at least 25% higher.  

No wonder councils struggle to balance their budgets while delivering essential services. 

I will focus on addressing local issues that require national attention and support. I believe in the power of an MP to engage and collaborate with all local stakeholders, including North Yorkshire Council, the new town council, the new Mayor, and organisations such as Yorkshire Water and the NHS, to solve local problems.

I aim to foster a spirit of collaboration and innovation, moving beyond siloed approaches, beyond party politics.

As your Independent member of parliament, free from party shackles, I’m committed to fighting for your best interests.

My key priorities are community engagement, the cost of living, health and well-being, and the environment. 

Being your MP – it begins with Trust!

A strong voice for Harrogate and Knaresborough

A genuine, local voice for Harrogate and Knaresborough. Someone with a track record of delivery for his residents.

I will be:

  • An ambassador for the local economy
  • A focus for community cohesion
  • A catalyst for change in health care
  • A fighter tackling the cost of living
  • The champion for climate action

It’s time for a shake up! Positive change by challenging the status quo.

I care deeply for the people of Harrogate and Knaresborough. I have faith in their abilities to achieve great things if provided with the right conditions.

By listening to your needs and taking action, I can approach problem-solving in a unique way.I’m committed to ‘levelling up’ Harrogate and Knaresborough as Central Government has neglected our area for too long.

I ask the people of Harrogate and Knaresborough to put their trust in me.

The perfect candidate?

A decade as a local councillor has given Paul a deep and nuanced understanding of Harrogate and Knaresborough’s community needs and the intricate workings of council. Whilst his extensive 25-year career as a director, management consultant and CEO – having recently managed the sale to a FTSE250 company for £82.5millon – has honed his strategic vision and financial acumen, crucial for addressing the economic hurdles of the area.

As an independent candidate, Paul benefits by being able to rise above partisan lines, eschewing party politics and distant party leadership mandates. He is dedicated to achieving real tangible outcomes that benefit the local populace, economy, and the broader region.

Being an MP is not an easy task, but like all other challenges in his life he will apply himself to learn, make mistakes (learning opportunities), adapting his skills to deliver for you.

He does not enter this election lightly and seeks a mandate to work for you, on the things that matter to you in a way that delivers.

But, most importantly he will engage with you at quarterly “Meet Your MP” meetings across the area, so he always knows what’s important for you.

This is a serious role. He has the passion, experience, business acumen and a record of delivery to make this happen.

Together we will take control of our future!

What impact should an MP have?

What do MPs do?

The UK public elects Members of Parliament (MPs) to represent their interests and concerns in the House of Commons. MPs consider and can propose new laws as well as raising issues that matter to you in the House. This includes asking government ministers questions about current issues including those which affect local constituents.

MPs split their time between working in Parliament itself, working in the constituency that elected them usually through regular surgeries to help their constituents. I will also hold community meetings to listen to your views.

What do MPs do in Parliament?

When Parliament is sitting (meeting), MPs generally spend their time working in the House of Commons. This can include raising issues affecting their constituents, attending debates and voting on new laws. This can either be by asking a question of a government minister on your behalf or supporting and highlighting particular campaigns which local people feel strongly about.

Most MPs are also members of committees, which look at issues in detail, from government policy and new laws, to wider topics like human rights.

What do MPs do in their constituency?

In their constituency, MPs often hold a ‘surgery’ in their office, where local people can come along to discuss any matters that concern them.

MPs also attend functions, visit schools and businesses and generally try to meet as many people as possible. This gives MPs further insight and context into issues they may discuss when they return to Westminster.

What your MP can do for you

MPs can assist their constituents in a variety of ways, from making private enquiries on your behalf, to raising matters publicly in the House of Commons.

MPs and Members of the House of Lords are expected to adhere to high standards in their public life.

The Code of Conduct provides guidance to MPs on the standards of conduct expected during the course of their parliamentary duties.

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Thank You!

Thank you to those that supported me.

Thank you to those that supported me in spirit but chose to vote tactically.

I congratulate and wish Tom well and that he proves to be dedicated to improving the lives of the people of Harrogate and Knaresborough.

I will continue as an independent councillor, committed to fighting for our fair share and advocating for the needs of my local residents.
